SAD is another movie series from the stables of Jodessy Films Production. Directed by Ambrose Tobias Udeh, produced by Jude Richard and co-produced by Eno Udo.
SAD which is an abbreviation for Stella. Abby and Diana, is a story of three friends whereby one of them (Diana) is from a Rich home. Abby and Diana are from poor homes and desire to be rich. Diana who is from a rich homes comes up with a plan for the three of them to rob a bank with the help of an insider. Will they succeed in robing the bank? Watch out for the Movie Series coming out very soon.
Jodessy Films Production also just produced a cinema movie called Sex For Marks which will be out in the cinemas very soon and which is produced by Eno Udo, directed by Teco Benson and the executive producer is Jude Richard.
Click on Jodessy films production website to view previous and present movies produced by Jodessy Films Production.
Watch out for the Trailer of SAD, coming out soon.
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Seunmanuel Faleye is a brand and communications strategist. He is a covert writer and an overt creative head. He publishes Apple’s Bite International Magazine.