Police officer Drambi Vandi, who was accused of fatally shooting Lagos-based lawyer Bolanle Raheem on Christmas Day in 2022 at the Ajah roundabout in Lagos, has been sentenced to death by hanging by the Lagos State High Court. The judge, Ibironke Harrison, found Vandi guilty of murder and delivered the sentence on Monday.
Throughout the trial, which began in January, several witnesses testified against the defendant, including the deceased’s husband, sister, police armorer, pathologist, and seven others. The prosecution presented 27 exhibits as evidence.
During his own testimony in his defense, Vandi told the court that the bullet presented as evidence, which was said to have killed the deceased, did not come from the rifle he carried on the day of the incident. He also claimed that he had never seen the bullet until it was presented in court.
Despite Vandi’s claims, the court found him guilty of murder and sentenced him to death by hanging for the killing of Bolanle Raheem, an expectant mother, at the Ajah roundabout in Lagos on Christmas Day in 2022.
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Seunmanuel Faleye is a brand and communications strategist. He is a covert writer and an overt creative head. He publishes Apple’s Bite International Magazine.