Earlier this month, the Building Blocks for Peace Foundation (BBFORPEACE) initiated a climate security project in Sokoto and Katsina, aimed at addressing conflict and insecurity induced by climate change impacts such as environmental degradation, desertification, degraded pastures, and drought in Northwestern Nigeria.
BBFORPEACE is implementing several climate change adaptation and mitigation initiatives, including:
- Capacity-building training for 500 youths on Dialogue, Mediation, Reconciliation, Climate Adaptation, and Early Warning and Early Response (EWER).
- Establishing climate and conflict EWER structures.
- Supporting climate activists with micro-grants dedicated to planting trees in strategic areas affected by desert encroachment.
In Illela, a border town in Sokoto State, 250 participants aged 15-45, including individuals with disabilities, took part in the climate security training.

Ijeoma Seraphie Obiedelu, the gender officer for the project, ensured gender balance and fair community representation in the sessions. During the post-evaluation sessions, Ijeoma observed the participants’ immediate comprehension of the training material. Participants asked insightful questions about conflict sensitivity and mediating multifaceted conflicts with political and religious elements. They were also keen to understand how climate change affects their standard of living and crime rates. The post-evaluation session revealed an impressive 74% comprehension rate.
This project is sponsored by the United Nations Development Programme Nigeria and the Embassy of Norway in Nigeria.
#ClimateEducation #ClimateChange #ClimateSecurity #PeaceBuilding #PeaceBuilders #Peace #Security

Seunmanuel Faleye is a brand and communications strategist. He is a covert writer and an overt creative head. He publishes Apple’s Bite International Magazine.