A Detroit judge has been temporarily removed from his duties following a controversial incident in which he forced a 15-year-old girl to wear handcuffs and a jail uniform for allegedly falling asleep during a field trip to his courtroom. Judge Kenneth King of the 36th District Court took this action after expressing dissatisfaction with the girl’s “attitude” and aiming to demonstrate “proper courtroom behavior.”
The incident involved Eva Goodman, who was visiting the court as part of an educational trip organized by The Greening, an environmental charity known for its outdoor activities. The situation has generated significant outrage and prompted an internal investigation by the court.
Chief Judge William McConico announced on Thursday that Judge King would be temporarily removed from handling cases and required to undergo “necessary training.” McConico emphasized the court’s commitment to maintaining positive relationships with local schools and hoped the incident would not undermine these partnerships.
Eva’s mother, Latoreya Hill, voiced her disapproval, questioning, “Would you want someone to treat your child like that?” She criticized the judge’s actions as humiliating and damaging to her daughter’s self-esteem.
Video footage shows Judge King addressing Eva and her mother, stating his court is “not a toy” and asking other visitors to vote on whether Eva should be sent to juvenile detention. Although King ultimately decided to have her handcuffed and dressed in a jail outfit, he released her soon after. King defended his actions, explaining he intended to offer a “real” experience similar to “Scared Straight” programs.
Eva’s mother explained her daughter’s behavior, noting Eva’s exhaustion due to not having a proper bed and her own struggles as a single mother. Judge Aliyah Sabree condemned King’s actions, stating they did not reflect the court’s standards and assuring that the matter would be addressed with “utmost diligence.”
Despite the backlash, Judge King defended his decision, maintaining it was meant to deliver a strong message. The court has moved swiftly to address the situation and ensure proper handling of similar incidents in the future.

Seunmanuel Faleye is a brand and communications strategist. He is a covert writer and an overt creative head. He publishes Apple’s Bite International Magazine.