Hon. Saheed Mosadoluwa, known affectionately as Mr. Ibile, made a remarkable transition from the aviation industry to the realm of real estate in 2020 amid the unprecedented disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, while his colleagues in aviation were unaware of his personal investments for close to 18 years. Mosadoluwa had quietly amassed significant land holdings across Lagos State, envisioning them as the cornerstone savings for his dream of launching his airline.
As the MD/CEO of Royal Crystal Airways, Mosadoluwa’s foresight and determination led him to diversify into real estate. Within just 1000 days of operation, his vision materialized into the launch of five distinct developing estates capable of accommodating up to 750,000 Nigerians. Notable among these projects are HarmonyVilles Estate on Eleko Beach Road, Granville by Harmony Gardens, Crestview Estate, and the Crestview by Harmony Gardens.
The director of Harmony Gardens and Estates Development LTD, has however scheduled May 4th and 5th, 2024, for the grand launch of Lekki Aviation Town and Majestic Bay, respectively. The events are expected to draw 5,000 attendees from Nigeria and abroad. The highlight will be the foundation laying off 200 units of Asake Cottages within the sprawling Lekki Aviation Town, directly facing the new Lekki International Airport.
Reflecting on his achievements within the short span of 1000 days, Mosadoluwa attributed his success to an unwavering 18-year vision and determination. His mentors played a pivotal role in guiding him through the intricacies of real estate development, transforming him into a certified developer.
In addressing the challenges posed by land grabbers in Nigeria’s real estate sector, Mosadoluwa acknowledged the presence of hardened criminals who exploit the system with impunity. He asserted that victims like himself must confront these elements head-on, instilling fear in their minds and safeguarding their properties from unlawful encroachment.
As Mosadoluwa continues to make strides in the real estate industry, his journey stands as a testament to resilience, vision, and unwavering determination in the face of adversity. Harmony Gardens clients are so excited about Mr Ibile’s leading trajectory and the company’s new developments, just as he pledged during the Granville by Harmony launch.
Harmony Gardens & Estate Development Ltd.’s journey keeps getting better with how they are taking real estate investors and realtors along for a convenient ride to homeownership by redefining the pinnacles of luxury with innovation. The company pledged that houses within Lekki Aviation Town are not going to be just homes, but dreams that will turn into reality, nestled in the most coveted location in southwestern Nigeria.
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Seunmanuel Faleye is a brand and communications strategist. He is a covert writer and an overt creative head. He publishes Apple’s Bite International Magazine.